What's up! This is Pingge Jiang.

Welcome to my personal website! I’m Pingge Jiang, a current PhD candidate in Computer Engineering at Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA, United States. I have more than five years research experience in image processing and related areas. This is my personal homepage. You can find my thoughts of life and research ideas.

Email Me.

Explanation to all categories:

  • Lifestyle: articles originated from my daily life and shared stories from professionals.

  • Research: my research ideas, research progress and high-quality research articles in the field of image processing and machine learning.

  • Vlog: inspired from student organization activities, YouTube pioneers and my thoughts of life.

  • Trading: useful trading strategies and technical analysis to help succeed in stock market.

Note: Cited articles are noted “shared from”, otherwise they are original and all copy rights reserved.

About this website:

This website was launched on Oct. 29. 2016. I uploaded first posts for lifestyle, research, trading strategies and resume. Contents will be updated regularly. Any comments or questions please do not hesitate to contact me. Thanks!