What's up! This is Pingge Jiang

Sparse B-spline image registration with CNNs (image registration deep learning)

FULL PAPER: CNN Driven Sparse Multi-Level B-spline Image Registration

Bspline image registration for 3D medical images in Java

A Java version for 3D B-spline registration on medical images(mha) is uploaded to my github repository. Note: the code is for research use only, performance is not optimized It’s a translated and...

Vlog002 Early morning for Tencent Games(腾讯游戏) third round video interview

Last day as a student -- a video record for a PhD defense

A sponsorship letter template

A sponsorship letter I used when I was a board member for a student organization. Hope this can help anyone who are in need. Dear sir/madam, I hope this email finds you doing great! I am writi...

总结一下我的阿里巴巴算法工程师-机器学习 面试经历 (My interview for Alibaba Software Engineer-Machine Learning)

总结一下我的阿里算法工程师-机器学习 面试经历吧。网上别的童鞋给的面经帮助很大,我也算来回馈社会了. 我同学刚和我说阿里在招人然后马上就要准备面试,然后我做图像的给推了机器学习,所以中间就两天时间吧,几乎没有好好睡过覺。把机器学习,算法和以前做过的东西好好补习了一遍。Anyway,进入正题。有很多问题已经想不起来了,想到什么写什么, 大家将就看吧。 一面 3月5号简历送出去7号就来电话了...

A simple implementation of Kmeans in C++ (Kmeans简单应用C++)

I finished it here to help anyone want to get familiar with it. Brief description of k-means: randomly select K(number of classes) centroids from data points find minimal distance from every...

An Octree Based Approach to Multi-grid B-spline Registration

Multi-grid B-spline registration Hierarchical octree B-spline Octree construction process Subdivision strategy Heuristics methods Results

Pedestrian detection and tracking algorithm (part1 2013)

As part of my master’s thesis work, more information available at: A New Approach for Pedestrian Tracking and Status Analysis

Read and write .mha file in c++(medical imaging)

This two c++ classes read and write .mha medical images. The structure supported: * NDims * BinaryData * BinaryDataByteOrderMSB * ElementNumberOfChannels * ElementType * ElementSpacing * O...